MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) is now becoming very popular in Indonesia, especially thanks to Mobile Legends game who pioneered the explosion of MOBA players in this country.
Due to its high popularity, it’s no wonder that
Mobile Legends game it has so many fans, so there are so many player new never touched before
Mobile Legends gameis now starting to learn to play it.
During play games, para player The newbies must often come across various strange terms that they just discovered while playing
Mobile Legends games.
Therefore, in this post, I will give you a list of various terms that often appear in
Mobile Legends game. Without further ado, let’s get straight into the discussion:
1. Farming
Moment match in progress, hero you definitely need gold to buy items. The activity of collecting gold is called
farming. Examples of activities farming ie: killing monsters
jungleclean minionkill turtleand other activities related to the acquisition gold.
2. Jungle
Say “Jungle” comes from English which means “forest”. As it is understood, jungle is the inner area folder matches containing various monsters and grass (such as forest).
usually used by players to do farming and can also be used for strategy in attacking the enemy. By mastering the area
jungle enemy, automatically your team’s win rate will increase drastically.
3. Creep
Creep is the name for the monsters in the area jungle. Amount gold you can get it shortly after
creeps killed. Creep serve as the main source for activities farming to obtain gold the big one.
4. Offlaner
Offlaner is a designation for hero in charge of defending
lane above and lane down in a
folder. Offlaner usually filled by fighter heroes, because they have quite strong attacks and can also do push turret
5. Carry
Term carry applied to hero which can lead the team to victory. Usually hero who can do
carry is hero with damage large and superior in the acquisition gold.
6. Hyper
Hyper is a term for hero who served as holder
retribution spell in a team. The task of a hyper itself is doing farming and become
damage dealers highest moment war.
Therefore, because of its very important role, it is not uncommon if
hyper heroes often targeted by the enemy.
7. Core
Core has the same meaning as hyper. The term core is also intended for hero in charge of doing farming and become damage dealers main team.
8. Noob
noob is a term applied to player a burden on a team. noob This can occur due to several factors, including:
- Still studying heroes;
- First time playing games MOBAs;
- Signal constraints;
- Potato HP;
- and many more :v
9. Feeders
Feeders is the term used for player who often died without getting kill a lot. Action
feeder named by feedingwhich if done continuously then player who does feeding can get sanctions, an example of which is a reduction in credit scores so that they are not allowed to play in the mode ranked.
10. Mukill
Mukill I think it means to force to get
kill. Role hero who often get this term are
role tankerbecause the majority of the tank heroes always advance first without noticing hero others first.
mukill can also be used for hero who pushes himself too much to ambush the enemy (sometimes he enters the turret and continues to die, but the enemy who is ambushed is still alive :v)
11. META
META stands for (Most Effective Tactics Available) or more clearly can be interpreted as the most effective strategy that can be used.
MOBA is game genre which contains an element of strategy in it because you as player must devise a strategy to destroy the tower base your enemy. The strategy you use is called META.
A strategy will definitely change according to the existing situation and conditions, as well as META. The factors that cause META changes include the following:
- Existence hero adjustments;
- The emergence of various hero new;
12. Buff
Term buff What I will explain here are the terms used in hero adjustment. Games MOBAs often do
hero adjustments to adjust ability hero them to ongoing updates. In every
adjustment In this case, there are 2 terms that are often used, namely:
buff and nerf.
Buff can be interpreted as a term used for hero whose capabilities are enhanced. By obtaining
buffability hero it will be stronger than before.
Buff generally done to hero which has been rarely used or perhaps almost forgotten by the players.
13. Nerf
In contrast to buffs, nerf means to weaken the ability of a hero. In other words, hero affected
nerf will be softer than before.
Nerf usually done to hero who has the ability
over power (the majority occur in hero recently released).
14. Micro
Micro is a term used to determine the extent of your ability to master something hero. The higher it is
the more you have, the greater your chances of victory in the match.
A micro example is if you have gone through thousands match by using Hellcurt (one of
hero in Mobile Legends game), then it can be said that
micro Hellcurt you are already high because you already know what actions to take when using Hellcurt.
Players who have micro tall will usually dominate the game because he already knows every detail of what to do, like when to do farming, what items to buy, when to roam, etc. Therefore, it is rare
player they get a bad score when competing using hero the micro.
15. Macro
macro is your ability to judge situations. The most frequently done by player with macro high is often pay attention folder and looking for the right timing to do
war. Therefore, the ability macro usually reserved for tank players or offanerbecause they are in charge of setting tactics when to attack and when to defend.
16. Split Push
Split push is a strategy used to carry out
push turret enemy secretly (guerrilla).
Split push usually done by hero offlaner because it’s their job to do push turret.
Split push
usually done to overcome the enemy’s strategy of playing gangbang.
17. Comeback
Comeback is a term used if your team manages to turn things around in a match. For example if your team was slaughtered from the start games but in the end it was your team that won. That’s what’s called comeback.
18. GG
GG stands for (Good Game) which means praise for your teammates and enemy teams who have good playing skills.
19. Over Power
Overpowered is the term used for hero who have above average abilities. In general, the term
over power applies to hero which was just released because
game developer want hero it is used by many players. Therefore, usually the ability hero newly released ones tend to be stronger
(overpowered) than hero other.
20. Banned
Banned is a term to prohibit a hero in a match. Hero that are automatically banned cannot be used by the two teams that will compete.
banned can be used as an initial strategy to set what META will be used in the match.
21. Mabar
Mabar is a term that is often used in all kinds of
multiplayer gamesbecause good luck stands for “play together”.
22. Lifesteal
Lifesteal is ability hero to restore their lives by doing hit to hero enemy. In other words, if you attack hero enemy with effect lifestealthen your life will automatically recover significantly.
Not all heroes get effects lifesteal. Effect lifesteal can only be obtained from items or abilities hero itself.
23. KS
“KS’ stands for “Kill Steals” which is usually used to offend player whose hobby is stealing kill from
hyper/core heroes.
24. Mechanics
Mechanics is a term that is often used to describe skills in using the skills of a machine heroes.
In essence, this mechanic is related to how high you master the skills and abilities of hero that you use. If someone says “fight mechanics” it means he wants to have a one vs one duel with
hero We.
25. Roam
Roam is a term used to tell your friends to rotate. This rotation means that you have to make frequent moves to all of them
lane which exists in folderdon’t even focus on one
lane just.
This roam is often addressed to midlane herobecause the majority of those responsible for doing the rotation are in the
midlane heroes.
26. Highground
Example of a high-ground area |
Highground is the most important area that you usually have to maintain when you enter the late game. The highground area in the Mobile Legends game includes the base turret and 3 inner turrets which are usually displayed higher than the jungle area (later like there will be stairs).
If you often hear highround heroes, It means hero
it has a very wide skill area, which covers almost the entire area high ground. heroit usually has the ability to clear a wave of minions that come quickly.
27. AFK
AFK is an abbreviation of Away From Keyboard or “away from the keyboard”.
Well, you don’t play Mobile Legends using the keyboard, min?
The term AFK was not used in the past games. This term was originally intended for people who leave chat suddenly.
Since development games rapidly on the PC, the term AFK then began to be used by para gamers to the one who left
games suddenly, and until now that term has spread to the world
mobile games.
Okay maybe that’s all my post this time. If there is something you want to add, please write your opinion in the comments column.
Thank you
Mobile Legends