Fanny is assassin heroes in
Mobile Legends game who has mechanic gameplay the most unique and the most difficult in history games MOBA android. Most of the
Mobile Legends players Surely you already know that using Fanny is not easy, it takes a long time to practice to master it hero This is so that he can really be an expert to fly here and there without worrying about being caught by the enemy.
Therefore, there is the term “Fanny Land” which is often addressed to player Fanny who is still learning or has not mastered the skill at all.
In proportion to the difficulty level, the high mobility and magnitude
burst damage from Fanny is also not kidding. With an instant, Fanny can fly quickly to directly bulldoze the opponent in a few seconds. Especially if the opponent only uses
hero marksman/mage the majority will die in one fell swoop by Fanny.
Right now, Fanny’s popularity is also creeping up, because previously Papi Moonton had given it a little buff on damage from Fanny’s 1st skill, thus making para player Fanny could now start screaming with joy. The impact is also quite noticeable, in just 4 weeks of MPL ID S9, Fanny has been used 11 times ( In fashion ranked there are too many player who does
banned to Fanny as a safe way so as not to meet Fanny on land or player Fanny who really can play it.
Although burst damage from Fanny it really doesn’t make sense, but there are still some items that you can use as
the counter. Curious what the items are? Let’s just look at the following discussion:
1. Wind of Nature
Fanny is assassin heroes with his extremely fast attack type, so Wind of Nature can be a good answer to face Fanny in a duel. With effect immune obtained from this item, then hero you can easily fend off attacks from Fanny who often come unexpectedly.
Wind of Nature this is very appropriate for you to use when you’re using jungler heroes or gold laner, because usually in phase early game Fanny will take advantage of her advantage to attack
heroes core like gold laner and jungler to dominate the match. Therefore, if playing as
gold laner or jungler and I’m dealing with Fanny, so my advice is to just do it Wind of Nature since
early game
so that hero you get more survive when hit
ambush from Fanny.
2. Antique Cuirass
Antique Cuirass is the right item to use to overcome
damage Fanny for those of you who are playing as tank.
Antique Cuirass has a passive named detector which can reduce 8% physical attack from enemies that will activate after being hit by a skill and can be stackk up to 3 times. It’s certainly very good to deal with Fanny, because as we know that all damage from Fanny comes from her skills. Therefore, the more hero you get damage Fanny’s skill, it will be thicker too hero you to be a shield in the forefront.
If the effect of Antique Cuirass still not enough, then just add the item Brute Force Breastplate, because the item will also give you the same physical defense which can be
stack up to 5 times.
3. Immortality
There’s no need to explain the function of this item, because you all understand and have often used it in various situations. Surely, Immortality you have to use this when you enter the phase late gameespecially when the enemy uses
hero Fanny.
Why so? This was due to Fanny’s ability as a
assassin later will be weaker when entering phase late gameso that your team has more opportunities to do
comeback. Especially if you use Immortalitybecause this item will play an important role in war to raise mental and improve abilities survive from hero We.
4. Winter Truncheon
For those of you who like to play hero mage, then this item is the most suitable for you to use when dealing with Fanny. Effect from
Winter Truncheon who can make hero We
immune of everything damage for 2 seconds can be used to dodge all burst damage which is very high from Fanny as well as buying time until reinforcements from your team arrive.
The most important when using Winter Truncheon is not to be used near walls, because when the effect runs out, Fanny can immediately shower your heroes with damage Very large. Don’t be in a hurry to use it either, because the effect which only lasts for 2 seconds will be wasted if you use it incorrectly.
That’s the explanation of the four items counter Fanny from mimin, did you guys also make one of the four items above? Let me know in the comments column below.
Thank you
Assassin Mobile Legends