WhatsApp will no longer be supported by all iPhones with iOS 8 operating system. The app will be unusable even for some Android smartphones and Windows phones.
Starting from February 1st of next year, WhatsApp will no longer be supported by iPhones with iOS 8 operating system. Specifically, it will still be possible to use the app but, should this be removed from the device, it will no longer be possible install it again, nor will it be possible to verify your account. Consequently, it will not even be possible to create a new WhatsApp account on iPhones with iOS 8.
To make the news known are the guys from WABetaInfo, with a post published a few hours ago on Twitter. Starting from the same date, WhatsApp will no longer be available even for Android smartphones with version 2.3.7 or earlier, as reported by the guys.
Starting from December 31st, however, the well-known instant messaging app will become unusable for all Windows phones. Among other things, WhatsApp has already been removed from the Microsoft Store in July.