Hack Termux FF Account – Who doesn’t know about this FF battle royal game, this game has its own charm for users or players in the world, especially in Indonesia.
However, the purpose of stealing this FF account is to get a free FF account which is categorized as a Sultan’s FF account, the sultan’s account certainly has various bundle items and skins can be said to be rare and expensive. The Termux application is already well known for its function to steal or break into FF accounts using Termux and many have used its application.
This method has a lot of evidence that has succeeded in cheating FF accounts, if you want to try it then you can follow the method of hacking the FF termux account below.
Hack Termux FF Account
1. How to Hack Termux FF Account
How to Hack Termux FF Account |
If you want to do the Termux FF Account Hack method, then we have prepared the method below.
Then you can follow it in detail to be successful in finding the FF account you want.
- Your first step is to download the termux application via the following link: Download the Termux App.
- If you have downloaded then installed, then you open the application.
- Then you wait until the keyboard display appears to type commands.
- Then write “pkg install git unzip bash openssh php & pip install reguests” at the beginning of the application display.
- Then you wait for the process of the command to finish, and when it’s finished, a $ sign will appear.
- Next you have to type “git clone https://gituhub.com/storiku/fakeredeemff“, but this process aims to install the FF Account Hack Script from Github Storiku.
- Then you need to execute the main file in the existing script folder so that the script can also run, and also for the script to work you can type “cd fakeredeemff” then “unzip FreeFire.zip”, then “cd FreeFire” and also “bash freefire” .sh“.
- If the script is already running then you select the first menu [Servero] by pressing the number 1, and Enter.
- Then the termux application will process the command, then you wait until the process is really successful.
- When finished, a link will appear, then copy the link.
- Then make sure the link you copied was sent and clicked by the person you are targeting, then make sure he/she also fills in his FF account login data.
- If the target has done all the processes, then the target FF account data will appear in termux.
- Then you can use this data to log into the FF game.
Well, so that it is easier for you to use the above process correctly.
The following method is an entire command that you can copy and then paste directly into the termux application.
As follows .
- pkg install git unzip bash openssh php
- pip install requests
- git clone https://github.com/storiku/fakeredeemff
- unzip FreeFire.zip
- FreeFire CDs
- bash freefire.sh
2. Termux FF Account Hack Script Collection
Termux FF Account Hack Script Collection |
There is a way to hack the FF termux account besides using fakeredemff, there are 2 more termux scripts that can be used to display FF phishing, namely fakeJackpotff and phish-all.
However, the workings of the two are also the same as the previous script, namely after someone selects a feed, the fb and Vk login pages will appear.
Now how to install and run it, please enter all the commands in the termux application.
FakeJackpotFF Script
But this first script will appear phishing Jackpot FF to the person who is your target.
How to Install:
git clone https://github.com/storiku/fakeJackpotFF
Use :
- cd fakeJackpotFF
- unzip jackpotff.zip
- cd jackpotff
- bash freefire.sh
Then you enter the data that is in accordance with what is requested by the script, then you repeat the process until it appears that is used to display the FF Phishing Jackpot prize page or fake.
Phis-all . script
The second way to hack a FF termux account is a special termux script made to hack an account using a phishing technique.
So all social media accounts and games can be stolen using this script
The second Termux FF account hack script method is a special termux script made to hack accounts using the phishing technique.
How to Install:
- pkg install python2 bash ruby figlet toilet openssh php git
- gem install lolcat
- git clone https://github.com/reyspeed/phish-all
Use :
- cd phish-all
- bash croot.sh
The final word
That’s information about how to hack FF termux that you can follow above in a thorough and correct way.
If the information above is useful, don’t forget to share it with friends or relatives.
That’s all our discussion in this article about Hack Termux FF account. Hopefully useful and good luck.