mobile legends
Basically they are not citers. It’s just a variation of the HTML code that moonton is allowed to use and accept when making mobile legends nick names colorful or bold or italic etc.
Including when in chat. The way of writing is the same.
The basis for writing is
[ Kode ] nickname/chat content
Good for creating a nick name or colored chat on mobile legends using the format above. Add a code in square brackets in chat or when creating a name,
The code in question is,
- [u] used for underlining Hello
- [i] used for italics Hello
- [b] used for bold HELLO
- [t] used for strikethrough
Hello - [kode warna] for colored letters
Please select on Pick a Color for the base color. Then in my section the red circle is a variation of the color thickness model. Take the 6 digit color code circled in red. Take it without the hash mark yes.
Enter the color code in the chat or nick name. Suppose I want to chat in blue then type:
[6699ff] Hello all
Same for the name. Just type [6699ff] not Tzy then it will appear not Tzy.
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