– This time we want to review Rafael Free Fire (FF) Skills, for those of you who still want to know the best skills and combos in this game, you can see this article. Rafael is a deadly professional assassin with a noble heart, who wants to protect and bring justice in this world. With the “Dead Silent” skill, Rafael is able to disappear from the map for 8 seconds when shooting enemies. If you are a flanker-type free fire player, you must buy the FF Rafael game character, because his ability to disappear from the map can be used to kill enemies without being seen.
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This character is very good for playing solo, duo or playing with squad. This is because he has the “Dead Silent” skill which makes him unable to be detected by the opponent because he disappeared from the map for 8 seconds. Rafael’s Deadly Silent skill has the same type as Wukong, where players must activate it via a special button so that this skill is active. While wukong when his skill is activated he will turn into grass which aims to trick the enemy.
Just like Laura, who released via a bundle package, there will be an option to buy Rafael’s character only in the Free Fire game without having to buy the FF bundle. But now if you want to buy it, pay close attention to the bonus in the bundle package, whether you really want it. Currently Rafael can be obtained through a 1999 Diamond bundle package during the discount period from the normal price of 3000 Diamond.
When the dead silent skill is active, it will have a duration of 8 seconds to disappear from the map to launch one to two attacks on the enemy. Dead silent has a cooldown of 90 seconds and will continue to decrease as level increases, level 2 will decrease to 80 seconds, level 3 becomes 70 seconds, level 4 becomes 60 seconds, at level 5 Rafael will get a mercenary jacket, level 6 becomes 50 seconds , level 7 will get Deadly Assassin item and last at level 8 will be 40 seconds. It’s really okay to ambush enemies or play flanking, because at level 8 Rafael will be a really deadly killer.
Also read: Tips to be able to run without sound very fast in the Free Fire (FF) game
Here we share a little tutorial on how to play using Rafael in the Free Fire (FF) game:
If you are playing with this character, don’t ever attack the enemy first because this character is a finisher who kills enemies in the middle of a battle. Take advantage of other players to attack first and lure the opponent, when the enemy is busy with fighting, activate the dead silent skill to kill the enemy.
Playing solo or squad is actually the same, take advantage of the ongoing battle to divert the enemy so that they can activate the dead silent skill. The enemy will not suspect your presence because you are busy with fighting and when the skill is active, you will not be visible on the map for 8 seconds.
A. Rafael FF’s Best Combos
Rafael’s best combo is with Hayato, Miguel or Antonio. Hayato can do the perfect role as bait and Rafael who will be the finisher kills enemies without being seen. Miguel who has succeeded in continuously killing enemies can also be an ideal partner because in this condition he will have very thick EP. Or Antonio who has a thick HP can also be the perfect partner for Rafael in Free Fire (FF).
Also read: Tips for Downloading the Latest 2022 Fire (FF) Mod Apk
The advantages of the character of Rafael FF:
The dead silent skill makes you invisible on the map for 8 seconds, at level 8 Rafael will become very deadly with a cooldown of only 40 seconds
Great for playing flanker
Lack of character Rafael FF:
The beginning of playing the cooldown skill is quite long
Not suitable for rusher type players
A few of the articles Review of Rafael Free Fire (FF) Skills, Tips and Best Combos.