Mobile Legends has released a lot of heroes with very cool and strong abilities in matches. Even for 8 Hero Combo Xavier Mobile Legends (ML), you can't underestimate the ability from here. Because if you get hit once by a combo, you can't move at all when you're competing.
Especially from Xavier's ability to become stronger, of course, it will have an influence when you compete. Xavier is a Hero with a very strong Mage, then the Skill that Xavier has is able to make the opponent receive high damage and CC interferes.
Then by understanding the Best Build Hero Xavier Mobile Legends, you will not be too difficult to face any strong opponent. Because playing Fast Hand with this Xavier hero, of course it will help you not to be easily defeated by the enemy.
Even trying 8 Hero Combo Xavier Mobile Legends (ML) directly, it will make it easier for the Team to win if it's like this. Because by doing a Combo attack, it will definitely bring the Team to victory.
Hero Combo Xavier Mobile Legends (ML)
It's not something that can be hidden anymore, if for example Tigreal and Xavier can be a deadly Combo Hero. Because the skill from Tigreal itself really helps Xavier so he can catch the enemy with the use of his 2nd Skill.
The combo is simple but will immediately catch the enemy, Tigreal as much as possible use Ultimate towards the enemy. Then after all are caught, then Skill 2 towards the Team and Xavier must give Skill 2 to Tigreal's place to bring the Enemy.
Then Xavier continues to use Skill 1 again, to trigger the Skill 2 Effect which creates a trap circle. When the passive is Active, Xavier can Spam Skills 2 and 1 to prevent the opponent from escaping from the team. The ultimate is used when an enemy is dying or aims at a crowd of enemies.
If with this Franco Hero, Xavier must really prepare a Passive that changes the Purple Skill. Because if not, it will give the enemy a chance to escape, so prepare a fully passive and then give the enemy a big attack.
Franco must be able to do Hook first to the Enemy, then use his Ultimate to give Stun. Then Xavier with Skill 2 can immediately do a Combo so as not to let the opponent escape, attack the enemy to death with this combo. But if for example, the enemy runs away, Xavier can use Ultimate properly to defeat him from afar.
Although it doesn't fully provide the right combo, Aldous is able to help Xavier to see all enemy positions. But later targeting together after Aldous uses Ultimate, you can already reduce the HP of the enemy that Aldous is after using our Ultimate Skill.
When Aldous targets 1 enemy whose HP is dying or half, you can do Ultimate from afar before Aldous gets close. Even though the attack can't kill him, at least we can give additional damage so that Aldous will defeat him later.
Yi Sun-Shin
It's not much different from the Combo that Xavier and Aldous did, but for Yi Sun-Shin, his job is to open the map. If you do happen to kill, then it can give you a good kill and you can secure the match.
Yi Sun-Shin must use his Ultimate first if he really wants to know the position of the enemy or opponent who fled while dying. If the enemy's position is indeed dying and is caught, we can use Xavier's Ultimate to deal damage from long-distance attacks.
If this is the estimate between there are 2, Xavier who did the Kill and Yi Sun-Shin who will do the Kill using this Ultimate Skill.
Atlas's ability to kidnap enemies very easily, of course, you can rely on Atlas as a Combo with Hero Xavier when competing. There are only a few important points from this Combo, because sometimes every time you do Ultimate, Atlas must fail to do it.
Atlas must open War to lure the enemy closer, when there are several who come as much as possible atlas Stun them first. Then let friends who use Atlas don't do Ultimate for too long, just slam it and you prepare Xavier's Skill to confine the enemy.
After doing this opening Combo, then you and the enemy team will do war but the conditions are in the team's favor. Because at the beginning of the start Atlas and Xavier managed to give deadly damage and attacks.
If this Combo has to rely on Johnson who uses his Ultimate, for Esportsku Combo with Xavier is really good with this hero though. It's just that it's not easy and depends on teammates, if you can drive then the Combo will be delicious.
Xavier will have to be with Johnson and get on a vehicle, look for enemies or really want to help in the War with a combo like this. If indeed you have hit the enemy, then Johnson must be able to protect Xavier from becoming their target.
Do a Combo Skill to give CC and trap your opponent, if it turns Purple then you are Ultimate so you can repeat the Combo skill.
This hero is able to make the opponent provoked to attack him, then a broad-scale Ultimate to give CC effects to the enemy. Of course, Gatotkaca is very suitable if we use Combo with Xavier, because his ability is very supportive and quite helpful for you in the match.
Especially if something like Gatot manages to get a lot of enemies, it is certain that Xavier will find it easier to target his target. This Gatot and Xavier combo really has to be able to rely on Skill, don't even let the enemy escape the effects of his provocation too.
Then as a very strong Fighter, Aulus can also do simple Combos with Xavier's character. In fact, they can actually cooperate with each other, to get one enemy target that they must kill later.
Xavier must be able to catch the enemy with Skill 2 and 1, after that Aulus appears and make sure to give damage attacks using Skill 2 and Basic. After that if Xavier does attack too, use Ultimate Skill to make Skill 2 and 1 we can use on a large scale.
Enemies will have a difficult escape opportunity with this combo, as it deals very high damage.
Also Read: How to Invasion Jungle Enemy Mobile Legends (ML)
After knowing the 8 Hero Combo Xavier Mobile Legends (ML), then Xavier can become even crazier with this ability. However, according to my Esports combo, there must be communicated as well, so that the game will be even better.
In fact, you also have to know Counter Hero Xavier Mobile Legends, this is very dangerous if you meet. But if you see an enemy using Xavier, then you can use one of the counters from this hero. However, it does not fully guarantee that the hero can counter maximally, return to the use of the hero you are using.