Ilumia is a hero mage with extraordinary magic power and also has the ability to protect the team. Lumia will usually be the hero with the biggest damage in battle and bring victory easily. This time we will discuss guides, skills, tips and how to use Ilumia.
Ilumia Story
Ilumia has it all: beauty, intelligence, power, glory, and strength. Just as Maloch represents the dark forces, Ilumia is the incarnation of light; no Hero can match Ilumia. She never shows her true self to anyone, because she bears a more important identity: the Goddess of Light.
Her beauty, chastity, and knowledge make people believe that Ilumia is a Goddess who brings hope and light to all. Temples were built and developed with this belief. With the Goddess venerated, the Temple established a powerful religion, leading its followers to resist the invasion of darkness.
As the holder of the power of the Temple, Ilumia understands all the rules of the game. He manages to free the Temple from the power of the palace and protect his followers when Thane’s power reaches its peak. Ilumia lives and breathes powerfully, and she will not give it up voluntarily.
Illumination Skills
Passive Skill : Goddess
Using any 2 skills will strengthen Divide Light for 3 seconds and cancel the cooldown.
Skill 1: Divine Light
Ilumia emits holy light towards the target which explodes when it hits an enemy within a certain distance and deals 350/420/490/560/630/700 magic damage. The holy light will inflict double damage and repulse enemies when strengthened by passive skills.
Skill 2: Banish
Ilumia repels enemies within range using Banish, dealing 190/214/238/262/286/310 magic damage.
Ultimate Skill: Catalysm
Ilumia attacks enemies within range with an explosion dealing 750/925/1100 magic damage and stunning them.
Build Talent
Build Items
- Apocalypse
- Enchanted Kicks
- Hecate’s Diadem
- Virtue’s Bracelet
- Holy of Holies
- Soaring Aura
How to Use Ilumia
When in danger, use skill 2 and skill 1 Ilumia to push back the enemy and activate passive skills.
Then use skill 1 again to get away from the enemy and escape from a group of enemies who will attack. You can kill enemies easily using skill 1 assisted by passive skills.
Ilumia can also use her ultimate skill first and then repulse the enemy to stay in her attack area. This method will stun the enemy and can be combined with other skills. Overall Ilumia has the ability to give extraordinary damage and you can easily play the game.
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