The Ghost Recon franchise is one of Ubisoft’s most successful franchises. Recently announced the 16th title called Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Frontline.
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon is the first title of the franchise which came in 2001. Since then, 15 more titles have been added to the franchise.
Fans were surprised after the announcement because the new Ghost Recon game was different from the previous lineup.
The game carries the battle royale genre and will be the first game in the franchise that is free to play.
Ghost Recon Frontline will feature multiple game modes, but Ubisoft specifically highlighted one called Expedition.
Expedition mode will feature over 100 players battling as a team of three.
Players must work together to complete dynamic objectives on a large open world map set on an island called Drakemoor. The island is home to a variety of biomes.
Players are tasked with overthrowing opponents in expeditions. Apart from that, they also have to collect and protect intel.
They can even interrogate fallen enemies to find out the location of enemy teammates. After completing the mission, they still have to fight to survive while waiting for the intel team to arrive.
Once they arrive, they can escape with the intel. Players are equipped with various tactical tools available in the game to protect themselves and their team from opponents.
Ubisoft Bucharest says that there are many paths to victory. Players can reshape the battlefield, summon vehicles, auto turrets and more.
Players will be divided into various classes referred to as contractors. Ubisoft hints at three types of contractors that will be available at launch, namely assault, support and scout.
For those who like to play battle royale or FPS games like PUBG, COD, or Apex Legends, you must be familiar with this term.
Ubisoft says that other modes will also be coming to Ghost Recon Frontline. One is an additional contractor as part of a planned and ongoing seasonal update.
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Frontline Release Date
Ghost Recon Frontline doesn’t have a release date yet as Ubisoft hasn’t announced it yet. But players in Europe can already test the game on Windows PCs from October 14th.
Ghost Recon Frontline will be available for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X. It will also be available on streaming platforms Amazon Luna and Google Stadia.