Corp. has finally released its third map, named Sanhok. Unlike the first two maps, which are 8x8 km in size, Sanhok comes with a smaller size, namely 4x4 km. The smaller size of the Sanhok will make you more likely to face close and mid-range combat. You also have to choose the right weapon to face the battles on this map.
So, what are the most appropriate weapons to use in Sanhok? Come on, see the list!
This Assault rifle-type weapon is one of the weapons that are quite easy to find on various maps. With 7.62 mm bullets, this weapon can finish off close enemies quickly. So, if you are good enough at dealing with recoil, the AKM can also be used in mid-range combat. AKM can produce a damage value of 49 points. Its large damage value makes this weapon quite deadly in Sanhok.
One of the assault rifles that use 5.56 mm bullets has a burst mode that can fire three bullets at once. That is why the M16A4 will be very lethal to the opponent when you face close combat. If you change the fire mode to single fire mode, this weapon will be very effective for mid-range and long-range combat.
This weapon that uses 9mm bullets has a damage value of 39 points. What makes this weapon worth using in Sanhok is its fast fire rate. In addition, the advantage of UMP9 is that it is easy to find in various maps, including the bullets. When compared to Vector, UMP9 doesn't require a lot of attachments. This convenience makes this weapon quite friendly to use in Sanhok,
Although you face more close and mid-range combat in Sanhok. There's nothing wrong with that if you want to use a sniper weapon. You can equip yourself with QBU, a sniper weapon that is available exclusively in Sanhok. With 5.56 mm bullets, QBU has a damage value of 48 points. This weapon is also equipped with a bipod, making it more stable to use in the prone position.
Well, that's the best weapon buddy that you can use on the Sanhok PUBG map. What do you think?