Each season of My Hero Academia is based on a main storyline that brings Izuku Midoriya and his friends closer to their goal of becoming professional heroes.
This anime has a tendency to revolve between arcs involving rampaging evil heroes and continued competition between the highest UA Heroes. Season 5 starts on March 27 and is now entering its 3rd episode. Here are some interesting facts you need to know about this anime.
Old Characters That Are Rarely Highlighted Are Returned
Class 1-B has lurked for the first four seasons of the anime. A number of characters such as Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu and Itsuka Kendo appear impressive. The interesting thing in this episode is that the character is back again.
Maybe many anime characters that rarely appear and then in the next episode are removed. However, the rarely highlighted character is brought back to life to play the main role. This directly makes the My Hero Academia narrative appear much broader.
Many New Characters
This is a major change as two dozen additional characters are introduced. This makes the film, feel more exciting.
One of the fun things about this new character is a student from class 1-B who feels he has a strange version of the twin in class 1-A. This resemblance is meant to create tension between the two groups of heroes.
Episode 3 Focus Highlights New Allied Group
Another interesting thing is that in this season the film will focus on class 1-B, to be precise, the new ally groups. But most notably in “Clash! Class A vs. Class B!” it was Hitotsi Shinsoo, class 1-C.
Hitoshi first appeared during the peak of the Sports Festival. At that time he faced Midoriya and seemed more eager to beat classes 1-A and 1-B. Midoriya couldn’t wait to see how much Shinsoo’s power had increased.
Secret of Fierce Wings Quirk Hawks Revealed
Keigo Takami / Hawks from My Hero Academia is one of the Pro Heroes presented in all series. He is skilled at using Quirks and Fierce Wings.
Although not as strong as the skills of other heroes such as One For All, he mastered his physical and mental abilities with the help of his giant wings. He was also named the number two Hero after All Might retired.
One of them is that he can run out of feathers because he uses too many skills. Its wings are also not immune to fire. He can also control feathers with his mind.
He can send waves and summon the feathers to form wings, controlling the speed and angle of attack.
Coming in 25 Episodes
My Hero Academia season 5 will be made in 25 episodes. Likely to be broadcast continuously. Considering the last three seasons of My Academia Hero released for 25 weeks continuously.
My Hero Academia Season 5 starts airing March 27 to September 4, 2022. The 3rd episode was released on April 10 yesterday. This series will air every Saturday every week. You can watch My Hero Academia Season 5 on Netflix or iQIYI.