Ragnarok M: Eternal Love was officially released on October 31, with this release, players can already play this game by downloading it on the Playstore or App Store. As we know, Ragnarok M is an adaptation of a classic PC game that has several series. Ragnarok M: Eternal Love is an MMORPG mobile game based on the popularity of Ragnarok Online in 2003, where this game is part of the legacy of millions of RO lovers around the world.
Please note that Ragnarok M: Eternal Love is an Open World type game, which means ‘world’ that is wide open. Starting from a map that contains many cities and open areas for hunting, to more dungeons and hunting grounds. So the developer must have many servers so that the players can interact. Usually, the MMORPG genre game has several servers, where if the player has created one character on the server, the character cannot switch servers. This is what makes the players have their own limitations because of it.
But not in Game Ragnarok M: Eternal Love, because the developer made the Server system an ID that allows players to switch IDs at will. With this, players can meet their online friends even though they have different IDs. Although this system is known to several players, it seems that the majority of players still don’t know this Seever/ID transfer system. For those of you who don’t know it, here’s how to switch Server / ID in Ragnarok M: Eternal Love.
1. Go to city Izlude Island
You can find this city next to 3 o’clock in the South Prontera area.
2. Go to NPC Teleport World
You can find this NPC at the top right of the Izlude Map.
3. choose Number Server / ID that want moved
4. safe you already succeed move ID
– It costs 99 Zeny to teleport the world once.
– We can check your ID number, by clicking Map and then looking at the top left corner of the Map.