There are currently, WhatsApp users spread all over the world. Nowadays, Most of the instant messaging used WhatsApp for personal or professional work. So, there is no matter how you use it, their is various emojis, including voice messages, message reactions, is more popular.
Many people use multiple phones at the same time, so it becomes difficult for them to use WhatsApp always. If the phone you are using WhatsApp is not charged, then you have to get under in trouble.
Do you know what? The same WhatsApp number can be used on multiple phones.
Now, the scope to use the same WhatsApp account from multiple Android devices will be available, it is possible to use WhatsApp on multiple devices at the same time by logging in from the computer or the browser of another device in a multi device support. However, if you want, you can also do this using the third party source WhatsApp Pro.