Creating a new account in Mobile Legends is one of the best ways for Mobile Legends players to have a new account with a good reputation, because basically the first account created and played on Mobile Legends must have an unsatisfactory reputation. In addition, another reason for creating a new account in Mobile Legends is also because you want to have a hero that you don’t have, because a new account is quite easy to get Battle Points which are usually used to buy heroes. Or maybe the reason for creating a new account, the old account has been sold or lost. Maybe some of these reasons are widely used by some Mobile Legends players to create new accounts.
How to Create a New Mobile Legends Account Without Uninstall
Back to the topic, creating a new Mobile Legends account without having to uninstall the game is the best way instead of having to uninstall the game. The reason is, if we uninstall the Mobile Legends game and install it again, the problem that arises is that the skin or some features cannot be displayed and used, because the game must download several game sources.
Well, to create a Mobile Legends account we will use an application called “Parallel Space”, this application is capable of duplicating the actual application on our smartphones, so if we play Mobile Legends through the Parallel Space application we will start from scratch. Here’s an explanation of how to create a new Mobile Legends account without having to uninstall the game.
1. First, please download the application named “Parallel Space” either on the Playstore or Appstore. Then add the Mobile Legends game to the application, for a complete explanation, see the following link: How to play Mobile Legends in Parallel Space
2. Then open and play the Mobile Legends game in Parallel Space, usually before entering the game you are asked to enter Gmail (please enter your gmail). If you have then you will start from scratch again making Mobile Legends, such as entering a name and following a tutorial.
3. If you have followed the step by step tutorial and are able to enter the Mobile Legends profile, please Bind or link your account to Facebook or Google Play Games so you don’t lose it. If using Google Play Games doesn’t work, you can use Facebook. Or in full, you can read: How to link a Mobile Legends account with Facebook.
4. If the account is linked either with Facebook or Google Play games, then you can delete Parallel Space and then play the new account on the actual Mobile Legends application on your smartphone. For how to change, you can read: How to change an account on Mobile Legends Bang Bang
Notes: Before changing, it’s best if your old Mobile Legends account is Bind or linked to Facebook or Google Play Games so it doesn’t get lost.
5. Done!
Now that way you don’t need to Uninstall the Game to create a new Mobile Legends account, just use the Parallel Space application to create it. If there are problems or are still confused, please ask in the comments. Thus the article that I can share and hopefully useful.