A few days ago, I discussed the Mobile Legends article entitled “How to Ultra Graphic Settings Mobile Legends“, and this time I bring you a different article about the legendary FPS game Counter Strike: Global Offensive.
Then, what will I discuss? In short, that is how to change the position of the weapon’s hand on the CS:GO. Before continuing, I will explain about “What is it CS:GO” in brief.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) is a video games by category first-person shooter (FPS) which was released in 2012 with various fashion games which varies, whether it’s made by Valve or community CS:GO.
So let’s move on. In play CSGO, of course we carry weapons to do attacking nor defending position. Of course, in games There are 2 options in holding the weapon, left hand or right hand. by default, sang player already in-settings to use right hand as view model main.
Then, what if the player not used to using view model right hand but they are more used to using view model left hand?
or the player is a left-handed (left-handed) player who requires using view model left hand.
This is where we will discuss it, how toggle or change the hand position from default to the left or vice versa.
There are 2 ways to do it,
- Through command console in games,
- Through in-game workshops.
How to Change Hand Direction in CSGO
Through command console in games
The first way is through command console in games, How to?
- open Steam and run CS:GO games,
- After that, you guys go to settings and need to activate”Enable Developer Console“then select Yes.
- Once activated, then press “~” on your keyboard, it’s under the ESC key above the TAB key.
- Then, you type cl_righthand 0 to change the position of the weapon to be in the left hand, and enter.
- Or type cl_righthand 1 to change the position of the weapon is in the right hand and enter.
Well, that’s a way to change the position of the weapon on the hand CSGO via ccommand console. Always remember the code,
cl_righthand 0 : for left handed use.
cl_righthand 1 : for right handed use.
Then change it through map workshop CSGO. First, you need login to account Steam then subscribe to the workshop map-his. Following workshop link-his,
Workshop maps: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1325659427
If it is already subscribe to the workshop map, let’s move on.
Through CSGO Map In Game Workshop
- First, open CSGO as usual then select Play and select Workshop Map. Then select map workshop already in subscribe, the name “Config Generator“. And wait loading as usual.
- After that, go to section view model. and point crosshair on choice”Gunside“.
- choose gun side “Right“If you want to use your right hand.
- choose gun side “Left“If you want to use your left hand.
Well, that’s 2 ways to change the direction of the hand on the CSGO when holding a gun. Hopefully useful for those of you who want to try it.