What is the Account Price RRQ Lemons? – For those of you Mobile Legend players, of course you are familiar with this one player because it is the talk of many people, he is Lemon who is his stage name, while his real name is Muhammad Ikhsan. He is one of the players who have achievements in this game so that his name is widely known and has many fans.
The lemon account has also become a topic of discussion regarding the nominal price, some say that the RRQ lemon account price is fantastic and only the sultan can get it. For those of you who are curious about the detailed information? see this discussion until the end, because we will discuss in detail what is the RRQ Lemon Account Price? What is the information like? Read to the end yes.
Getting to know Pro Player Muhammad Ikhsan (Lemon)
For fans of Mobile Legend, Lemon is probably one of the names that you often hear. But did you know that it’s just a stage name? Yes, lemon is the stage name of Muhammad Ikhsan. He is one of the RRQ (Rex Regum Qeon) teams who made his name popular in the Mobile Legend game. You need to know that the competition in the game industry is very tight, but Montoon managed to maintain its game, namely Mobile Legend which occupies the best-selling row in the world.
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year 2022 because it is the most wanted and played by many. Not only played by many people, this game is also often contested in tournaments. Thus, many companies have formed time esports in order to participate in the tournament. In fact, many artists also participated in this competition, such as Ariel Noah, who also formed an Esports team to participate in the competition.
However, for now, the most popular esport team due to their brilliant achievements in the tournaments they participate in is the RRQ team. In fact, the RRQ team does not only exist domestically but internationally and is ranked in the top 10.
This team also has several divisions which have maximum competencies and will be included in other exciting game competitions such as Mobile Legend, Free Fire, PUBG Mobile and many more. As for Lemon, which is one of the most existing divisions heard today, there are even many rumors about the price of the Mobile Legend account it has.
How Much Does RRQ Lemon Account Cost?
Based on the information we took from one of the youtube channels that had a dialogue with the CEO of RRQ, he said that RRQ Lemon was not for sale, but if someone wanted to bid or buy, it would cost 15 billion which is equivalent to the MPL entry slot. Many ask why the price of RRQ Lemon is so expensive? this is because Lemon has many achievements in the Mobile Legend game, such as successfully getting many MPL season 2, 5 and 6 trophies which made the RRQ team proud.
Thus, lemon can be ascertained as one of the most legendary players. In addition to his achievements, the number of skins, heroes, and also a high winrate makes this lemon account very expensive. So that’s what we can summarize for all of you regarding the price of the RRQ Lemon account. What is clear is that this is only an estimate of the price, but this account is not for sale.
So that’s the information about What is the RRQ Lemon Account Price? which many people talk about. For those of you who are waiting for information about other exciting games, wait for our next article. See you