A few days ago, I had discussed hero Mobile Legends with Role Fighter/Support which name is Kajaand this time I will discuss about Mage heroes new named Valentina Mobile Legends. Who’s that? Let’s discuss!
Know Hero Valentina Mobile Legends
Valentine is hero which will be released on Mobile Legends this October. And you can play hero it’s only on Moonton advanced server.
Hero Review Valentina Mobile Legends
Valentine included in hero which has a fairly difficult level of difficulty if we try it.
Reportedly Valentina will be released this October and get ready. Valentina has skills 3 ultimate which is so unique too, because ultimate skills this allows Valentina to take ultimate of the enemy and use it. So unique hero this one.
As usual before continuing, I will discuss about the advantages and disadvantages hero this. What are they?
The advantages of Valentina Mobile Legends
As usual in general, hero who will be released will be blessed with skills which have damage high, so the opponent will find it difficult to beat him.
Why is it unique? because skills 3 ultimate this allows Valentina to take ultimate of the enemy and use it.
Weaknesses of Valentina Mobile Legends
As a Mage, Valentina has a weakness in HP which is very thin. So try to play using Valentina, you have to play it safe.
Despite having damage high, but use comboit’s very difficult to do, you need to understand how to play it first in custom mode.
Skill Set & Combo Hero Valentina Mobile Legends
Skill Set
Passive Skill – Primal Force
Skills passive named “Primal Force” which when used will give Exp for each skills who succeeded in hitting hero enemy. Indirectly making it have the advantage of killing the enemy in early game. It also has an additional effect, namely the HP regen effect of 50% of damage which he gave when fighting an enemy who had level equal or below.
Skill 1 – Shadow Strike
Skills 1”Shadow Strike” from Valentina is skills active that can be used to attack and give mark on the opponent. Affected opponent skills 1 of Valentina again during mark is active will get a confused effect like skills 1 Vexana.
Skills 2 Valentine”Arcane Shade” is blink skills who will give damage to the nearest opponent. Valentina who uses skills 2 willcooldown reset from skills 1, so it can be used directly. Skills 2 of them can also be used 2x for aggressive games.
Skill 3 Ultimate – I Am You
Skills 3 ultimate from Valentina named “I Am You”which allowed Valentina to take ultimate of the enemy and use it. Cool again, cooldown from ultimate it will follow cooldown from skills Valentina as a whole only lasted for about 20 seconds, thus allowing Valentina to do spam skills like skill ultimate Eudora or Aurora in no time. Mandatory in-tire!
Valentina’s Combo Skills
For use skill combos valentina, i suggest like this,
Use it skills 1 towards the designated enemy, then use it skills 2 towards the enemy, skills 2 of these can becast so it has to hit the target, then cooldown skills 1 of Valentina will decrease, after that skills 1 more and the enemy will be affected confused.
You have to be good at using skills 1 and skills 2, to make it easier to repay the opponent’s HP. Keep doing it combo This way, the enemy will die by themselves. Skills 3 ultimate used only when needed.
For hero combo matched with Valentina is still with Angela.
Why? Because Angela is support which suits Valentina very well. Ultimate who can possess Valentina gives shield as well as crowd control to the enemy, so Valentina can play aggressively and safely.
Build Items Valentine
First wear shoes Demon Shoesfight in a safe style and spam skills due to regeneration Where will be-recovery by Demon Shoe itemss. That certainly gives Valentina a chance to earn more exp by using skills so you can last hits.
Items second there Enchanted Talisman. Items this works so that magic, blood, and . attacks cooldown reductionrespectively 50 points, 250 points, and 20%.
Next there is items Ice Queen Wand. Useful for Valentina to increase speed cooldown and give effect slow to the enemy who was hit skills. So you can attack enemies in a row and give optimal damage.
Then you can buy items Genius Wand. Fight smart and make enemy defense weak by buying Genius Wand for Valentine. Actually function Genius Wand more than lowering the enemy’s magic defense, there’s the added bonus of physical attack as well cooldown reduction that Valentina got from items this.
Items next there Necklace of Durance. Items this is always needed by Mage heroesbecause items it has the ability to remove lifesteal The enemy’s HP for three seconds and can also reduce the enemy’s magic defense, not to mention the magic attack bonus, cooldown reductionand magic lifesteal each rose a number of points.
Defense items The last match for Valentina is Immortality. Items this is useful for resisting enemy attacks and remembering to maintain position when eliminated, because Valentina can revive when activating the effect Immortality.
Recommendation Emblem & Battle Spell Valentine
Valentina is more suitable to use Mage emblem with talent Magic Worship. By attribute;
3 points Magic Power3 points Magic Penetration and talent Magic Worship.
By using Magic Worship emblemsurely Valentina will get damage very high. Who can even kill his opponent very easily, compared to emblem other.
Battle Spell
There are 2 battle spells which Valentina can use, namely to attack and can also be used as defense / escape / play it safe.
use battle spells Flameshot if you want to play attacking or aggressive. If you want to use hero Valentine with battle spell damage, Flameshot is the solution.
By using Flameshot you can fire missiles that deliver magic damage. Besides that, Flameshot cause effect slow and not only that, Flameshot also cause effect knockback or pushed back against the nearest opponent.
If you want to play it safe, then Flicker the answer.
By using Battle Spell Flicker, you can easily move places to where you want. distance from Flicker It’s also pretty far away, which you can use to escape when you’re dying.
Counter Hero Valentine
To do counter Valentina’s way is quite easy. You just need some hero which have specialties in burst damage and crowd control Of course, then Valentina would be powerless. The method,
Hero crowd control do stun to Valentina, so she can’t do anything, then stay finishing by hero burst damage once combo would instantly kill Valentina.
Example hero which have burst damage high like Hayabusa, Lancelot, Fanny or Karrie.
Hero Valentine although it hasn’t been officially released yet, you can already use it on Moonton advanced server and wear build, emblem as well as battle spells which I have described above as a reference. Change or not skills which is used depends full releaselater, so stay tune until full release.