Alpine is the newest Free Fire map that has a quite unique place. Map Alpine has many buildings and ornaments typical of Japan. So that Free Fire players will have a different experience from the previous map.
Of course, many Free Fire players have tried this Alpine map, but they don't know some of the right landing spots to get really good loot.
Well, at this opportunity, we want to tell you some of the best loot spots on the Alpine Free Fire map. Want to know what is the list of the best loot places on the Alpine map? Come on, just take a look at the following article reviews.
1. Militia
The best loot place for the first Alpine map is Militia. This place is an abandoned military base, with abundant loot, both outdoors and indoors. So you can get a pretty good weapon or item loot in this place.
Unfortunately, this place is located at the bottom of a hill and there are very few places to shelter from enemy attacks. So that the enemy can shoot from the highlands using Sniper weapons. So during the looting process, you have to stay alert.
2. Stadium
The best loot place for the next Alpine Free Fire map is the Stadium. This place has many house buildings that provide many loot items in it, ranging from weapons, vests, helmets, to other supporting items.
Of course, with a myriad of pretty good loot, surely many other players will land in this place. So you have to be careful because most likely there will be a lot of enemies in this place.
3. Garrison
The best loot place for the next Alpine Free Fire map is Garrison. Because this place provides a lot of pretty good loot. Garrison is one of the places that is quite quiet, because of its position near the coast or at the end of the Alpine map.
Not only that, but this place also has several large buildings and houses that have a lot of loot, ranging from various kinds of weapons such as SMG, Shotgun, AR, to other supporting items.
4. Dock
The best loot place for the next Alpine Free Fire map is the Dock. This place is a port that has many containers around it. Each container in it has a lot of good loot.
However, you must remain vigilant when choosing to land in this place. Because the Dock is one of the barbarian places on the Alpine map. So you will find many enemies in this place.
5. Snowfall
The best loot place for the last Alpine Free Fire map is Snowfall. This place is one of the main focus points for Free Fire players on the Alpine map. Because every building and house in Snowfall provides very good and complete loot. Starting from weapons, helmets, vests, medical equipment, and other war equipment.
Not only that, but this place also has a zipline that will make it easier for you to enter and exit the zone in no time. Of course, you have to be ready to play barbarian if you go down in this place because later there will be many enemies who land in this place.
Well, those are some of the loot places the best in the Alpine Free Fire map. Hope it is useful!