Not just messaging, many people use WhatsApp to send important files, pictures or videos. Pictures or videos can be sent to this platform by keeping the resolution of the image in place. That's why instant messaging apps have become very popular.
However, while images can be exchanged at better resolution compared to other apps, the actual resolution is much lower. Since instant messaging platform, data transfer is also very fast. This is why it reduces the resolution by 70% in the transfer of photos or videos. As a result, the quality of any important photo is very bad. Even the detailing of the film is lost.
However, there is a way to send pictures on WhatsApp without reducing any resolution. It can be performed in two ways.
Let's take a look at these methods.
First method:
• Open WhatsApp on your smartphone and go to the Settings option.
• Now, tap the Storage and Data option.
• Now. Tap the media upload quality option and select the best quality option.
Second method:
• Open the chat window of the person you want to send the picture to.
• Now, click on the clip icon.
• You have to select the document icon from there. As soon as you click there and you'll want to know which album pictures you want to send.
• Select the picture of your choice and send it.