Mobile Legends players are certainly no stranger to the term Magic Chess. Magic Chess itself is played to set a strategy when playing Mobile Legends. There are some the best combo to push rank Magic Chess Mobile Legends.
Mobile Legends players certainly need to set a game strategy in order to win the battle with the opponent. When playing Mobile Legend, Magic Chess has an important role. Even players need a Magic Chess combo to strengthen the hero used. What are the best combos that can be used?
Before you start learning synergy combos, it would be nice to know first Little Commander Magic Chess in the following article.
The Best Combo Choice To Push Rank Magic Chess Mobile Legends
There are several adjustments you can make when playing Mobile Legend. Like if you play in Magic Chess by relying on several heroes.
If you know the best Magic Chess combos, you can play even more fiercely in the battle arena. What are the best combos that can be used to push rank Magic Chess.
1. Combo Mage, Empire, and Northern Vale
First, you can use the synergy combo of Mage, Northern Vale, and Empire. This combo is also highly recommended for those of you who want to play push rank in Magic Chess. Mage himself is a hero with very good skills.
The combination of Mage and Empire as well as Northern Vale will certainly be more stunning. The trick is that you can use 6 Mages, 2 Empires, and 3 Northern Vale. You can use this trick as the best combo to push rank Magic Chess Mobile Legends.
2. Assassin and Elf Combo
Next up is the undoubted Assassin and Elf synergy combo. Assassin’s ability to jump into the opponent’s defense area is quite impressive. Especially when combined with Elf heroes who can withstand enemy attacks, the results are more leverage.
You can develop the best strategy by using 3 star Assassin heroes. Because 3 star heroes usually have more blood. So that the defense is better and will not die easily.
3. Combo Weapon Master, Abyss, and Support
You can also do the best combo to push rank Magic Chess Mobile Legends with a combination of Weapon Mater, Abyss, and Support. You can use 6 Weapon Mater heroes then add 2 Abyss heroes and 1 Support hero.
These three combinations are very effective in combat. This combination makes it difficult for opponents to reduce HP because each hero is able to regenerate. Interestingly, the resulting damage is also very painful.
4. Summoner and Guardian Combo
Unlike the previous combo, the Summoner and Guardian combination is no less painful. Both can be a combo to push rank Magic Chess Mobile Legends. The chance to win is also greater if you use this combo.
Summoners are heroes who can take out Scarlet Beasts. This can make the enemy unable to concentrate. Then coupled with a combination of Guardians that can strengthen the defense. That way, you will not be easily attacked by opponents.
5. Combo Weapon Master and Marksman
This combo ability is no less interesting. Weapon Master combined with Marksman produces great power. This combination is also very advantageous at the end of the battle.
Marksman heroes can back up Weapon Master heroes. That way the hero used is not easy to kill. Even heroes can attack as well as possible when defense is good.