MOBA gamers must be familiar with game terms that are often referred to in games, both from in-app and the MOBA game community itself. Poke, for example, is a term that is quite popular in the Mobile Legends game.
The term poke is often mentioned in the Mobile Legends game. But apparently, poke can mean two different things. First, the meaning of poke in Mobile Legends can be related to hero specialization.
Poke specialist heroes can deal considerable damage from a distance. Hero with this specialization also has a fairly short cooling downtime so that it can 'poke' or kill opponents continuously to reduce their HP. Uranus and Nana are two of the few ML poke heroes.
The meaning of the second poke in Mobile Legends can also refer to the abbreviation of small points. This term is usually used when the player has reached Mythic. If you get low points, players will call them small points to describe the points you get or mock their friends who get low points.