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Today I will give more info about Mobile Legends for sure. This time we will discuss the Strongest Hero Based on Pick Pro Player Indonesia in MPL ID Season 7 Mobile Legend, Check this out !!.
Here’s the Strongest Hero in Mobile Legends
1. Uranus

The first Strongest Hero is Uranus. Uranus is a Hero Tanker that has high durability that specializes in Regen and is easy to use. Uranus has a skill that can regenerate HP continuously so it is not easy to beat. Uranus has skills that can regenerate his HP quickly and increase his abilities. Uranus has skill 2 which can change to a specified place and produce Energy Shield and will explode giving damage to the opponent. In addition, Uranus has an Ultimate skill that can regenerate his HP and increase his strength. The gameplay for Hero Uranus as a Sidelaner is quite simple, it’s just a matter of playing safe keeping the turret and trying to cut the minions on the enemy line to make it difficult for the enemy and rioting the enemy buffs to lure the opponent towards us so that our team can push the enemy turret. So he is a hero bar bar that overwhelms the opponent because in addition to his thick HP, he also has a very fast HP regen.
Build Uranus

2. Hylos

The second strongest hero is hylos. Hylos is a tanker hero who has the highest durability among other tanker heroes and is easy to use. Hylos is one of the best tankers on mobile because apart from having high durability, it also has decent damage. This Hylos has skill 2 which can inflict area damage on nearby enemy heroes and skill 1 which can stun the opponent. In addition, Hylos has the ultimate skill that can create a path in the specified direction and provide movement speed to Hylos and his teammates while on the road. That is Hylos’s special skill which is very good for team fights and makes him one of the best tankers in Mobile Legend.
Build Hylos

Also Read: Best Support Hero Based on Pro Player Indo
3. Jawhead

The third strongest hero is jawhead. Jawhead is a fighter hero who has a fairly high durability and has a combo skill that can eliminate enemies quickly. Jawhead has skill 1 which enters Launch mode for 5 seconds, fires missiles at random nearby targets and deals physical damage. In addition, jawhead has skill 2 which can get movement seeds and shields. When using this skill again, it will shoot the closest target to the specified location, dealing physical damage and causing a stun effect to both the target and the opponent. Jawhead also has the ultimate skill that can lock onto enemy heroes, charge them and cause a short stun effect, while causing a knockback effect on enemy units around the target. Jawhead in this season is very OP made for tankers.
Build Jawhead

4. Esmeralda

The fourth strongest hero is esmeralda. Esmeralda is a Hero Mage Tank who specializes in Mixed Damage Regen who has extraordinary skills and is easy to use. Esmeralda has skill 1 which can create a shield and gain movement speed that decreases with duration. Meanwhile, he gradually turned the shields of nearby opponents into shields for himself. In addition, Esmeralda has skill 2 which can swing Stardust and Frostmoon, dealing magic damage to nearby opponents and reducing the cooldown of the other skill. Esmeralda also has the ultimate skill that unites strength, the longer the duration, the greater the power. Use this skill again to cast Starddust in the specified direction, dealing magic damage and immobilizing enemies in the area.
Build Esmeralda

See Also: Guide Beatrix Sick 2022
5. Popol and Kupa

The fifth strongest hero is popol and kupa. Popol and Kupa are marksman heroes who have crowd control skills that irritate opponents. Popol and Kupa become meta in this season not because of high damage, but as hero support because they have a lot of crowd control skills. Popol has skill 1 which can command Kupa to bite them and deal physical damage. Popol also has skill 3 which can set a trap at a predetermined location which will explode when the opponent is nearby and cause an immobilize effect on them and this skill can also lurk in a predetermined location. In addition, Popol and Kupa have the ultimate skill filled with anger for 12 seconds and get additional attack speed and movement speed and increase the distance of all their skills.
Popol and Kupa Build

Ok, come here first, guys! Next, I will give you more info about mobile legend heroes. If there are suggestions for what hero guides you want to discuss, you can contact me via the contact form below, I’ll review the Hero Guides later, ok!
Hope it is useful.
Happy Fasting Worship Ramadhan 1442 H.