How to publish app in google play console ?
Congratulations you have finished building your first android application that is a great achievement and now you would like to share with the whole world.
Introduction :
Today i'm going to show you, how you can publish your android application on the google play store? and in order to do that you of course first of all need to generate a signed apk that you then can upload to the google play store. But there are a bunch of little steps that you need to follow along the way in order to get to the point. Where your app is actually on the google play store and in this topic i'm going to show you how to do that and of course you can always check out our blog where you can also follow along step by step.
So guys in this topic you are going to learn something about android but as you can see we are teaching other topics around programming as well on a monthly basis. I hope you'll enjoy it alright so at this point you have finished your application and it's ready to be put on the play store.
First of all keep your created app in a folder. Such as Desktop, document and etc. Then you just go to, then you have to review the terms of service if you don't have an account yet. It will probably be different either way so you then need to select the email address of your account that you are using for this and then review the terms of service once. After open the Google play console developer account, Click on "Create App". Then you have to put the app name, then select the language. Next scroll down the page and click on the "Create App" button on bellow of the page.
Video already available in our youtube channel, you can also watch. Click here to watch How to publish app in google play console.
Necessary Documents for Google play console :
1. App Icon (512*512 pxl)
2. App Banner (1024*500 pxl)
3. App Name (Max.50 carectors )
4. Short description (Max.80 carectors )
5. Full description (Max.5000 carectors )
6. App Screen shoots
7. Website (Optional)
8. Phone number (Optional)
9. Promotional video (Optional)
10. Email id
11. Privacy policy link
12. In-app Page (For news app)
13. App .apk file or .aab file
Next guys, you have to provide app information such as : App content, special access, App category, App short description, full description, App logo, screen shoots, privacy policy link. After all details provided, you have to upload app in release option. Then you have to click on review, next click on the 'Start rollout the production'. Then your app will go to play console team for review.
Make sure your app should be comply with google play console program policy. Otherwise your app may be reject or suspend. More suspension of app your play console account may be terminate. So beware for Play console program policy.
How to generate signed apk in Android studio. Click here to know.
Google play console new update 2021. Play console data safety update for all developer. Click here to know.