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Today I will give you more info about Mobile Legends heroes for sure. This time I will give the Latest Build Guinivere Hurt 2022 in Mobile Legends.
Guinevere is a Hero Fighter Mage who specializes in Burst Magic Damage who has extraordinary combo skills and is easy to use. Guinevere has skill 1 which releases Orb energy, deals magic damage to the opponent and causes a slow effect on the opponent. Guinevere also has skill 2 which is the main skill that can scoop up or start a war battle and the key to the success of this can determine the success of the teamfight. In addition, Guinevere also has the ultimate skill that can release a Forcefield around him, attack nearby opponents and deal magic damage. The difficulty level of playing guinevere is quite easy by using the spatial migration skill which can knock-up your opponent then combined with the ultimate violet requiem skill which can create a Force Shield around him making the opponent easily eliminated in an instant. Although Guinevere has extraordinary skills, it takes the right items to maximize the advantages that Guinevere has. Here I will give the New Build Guinevere Tersakit 2022, Check this out.
Here are the items for Hero Guinevere Ms. Violet
Arcane Boots
The first item in Guinevere’s Build is arcane boots. Now this shoe item can provide additional magical penetration damage. So this item can be used by guinevere heroes who can provide maximum damage skills. So for those of you who want to use this guinevere hero, you can buy this arcane boots item, guys.
Concentrated Energy
The second item in Build Guinevere is a Concentrated Energy item. This item must be used by guinevere because in addition to increasing magic power and HP, it also provides magic lifesteal. This item supports the abilities of the guinevere hero for sure. With this item guinevere will get a magical lifesteal which is very important for mage fighter heroes like this guinevere. In addition, if Guinevere can defeat the enemy, this item can provide additional magical lifesteal. This item must be used by heroes like guinevere guys. So with the help of this item guinevere is not easily eliminated.
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Holy Crystal
The third item in Guinevere’s Build is Holy Crystal. This item is a magic item that can increase magic damage power significantly and this item can also increase as the hero level increases. Items are suitable for guinevere who can do a lot of damage to the enemy guys!
Genius Wand
The fourth item in Guinevere’s Build is a Genius Wand item. This item is an item that can reduce the enemy’s magic defense. In addition, this item can provide magic power along with movement speed and also provide magical magic penetration to the enemy. This item is suitable for use on guinevere in addition to having great damage, it can also reduce the opponent’s magical defense so that the opponent is eliminated. When the Genius Wand Item has been obtained, be prepared if the enemy can be eliminated quickly because the items can reduce their magic defense.
Blood Wings
The fifth item in Build Guinevere is the Blood Wings item. This item is the final magic power item from the Hero Mage which can increase the magic damage from Guinevere. With this item Guinevere can give very deadly magical damage to the opponent to be eliminated, guys.
See Also: OP Hero in Season 19 Mobile Legend 2022
Queen’s Wings
The last item in Build Guinevere is the Queen’s Wings item. Now this item is a high defense item and also a high Lifesteal to become a Guinevere hero not easy to beat. If you want to get a high defense and lifesteal item, of course you can get it through this Queen’s Wings Item. With that, Guinevere becomes an invincible hero in terms of physical attack defense and magical damage because this defense item is also lifesteal for sure. wooowww!
This is the latest build of Guinevere Sick 2022
Ok, come here first, guys! Next, I will give you more info about mobile legend heroes. If there are suggestions for what hero guides you want to discuss, you can contact me via the contact form below, I’ll review the Hero Guides later, ok!
Hope it is useful.