Now many people are sharing screenshots or screenshots of the answers from the Wordle game they play on the Twitter social network.
For those of you who don't know it, Wordle is a puzzle game that asks players to guess one word correctly every day but will not be given a clue about the word to answer.
As the initial creator of the Wordle game, Josh Wardle also revealed that he had found more than 12,500 words consisting of five letters for the game's players to answer.
Usually, Wordle will be composed of five columns and six rows where five columns denote five letters horizontally which must be one exact word. While six lines indicate a maximum of six times the opportunity to answer the word correctly.
The faster the word is found, the higher the score will be. But if you don't manage to answer the words until the last chance, then the game will show you the answer and your score will of course also be small.
Through Wordle, you can invite friends or family to play together, usually each other can exchange ideas to find the right words. Meanwhile, to be able to play Wordle, you can follow these steps.
How to Play the Wordle Game
- Download and install the game Wordle – Daily Word Challenge from Google Play Store
- Open the Wordle application on your cellphone
- Select the Language Type for the word challenge (English, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, or Italian)
- After the language is selected, you will go directly to the main page which contains five columns and six rows
- On that page, you are challenged to answer a random word correctly with the letters entered in five columns
- If your answer is correct, then the game is over and you immediately get the score
- Once done, you can share the results on Twitter
It should be noted that the word will be replaced every day by the system which will be indicated by the word change countdown time in the Wordle – Daily Word Challenge.
When the letters in the five columns are green, it means that your answers are all correct. However, if there are still gray ones, it means that the letters do not fit into the right words so they must be replaced.
Meanwhile, if the word is yellow, it means that the letter is in the correct word, but the position must be changed and you are given six opportunities to arrange the letters into the correct word.
For example, the correct word on that day is BULKY. When you answer SILKY in the first line, LKY will be given a green mark and SI will be gray. For that, you can answer back in the second line and guess the correct answer.
When you answer BULKY in the second line, you will automatically complete the Wordle game and get a score. You can also share it directly on Twitter or other social networks.