When playing Mobile Legends, each team has its own formation. The 2-1-2 formation is the most used formation in every game. 2-1-2 formation has meaning 2(2 players fill the top lane or top lane), 1(1 player fills the middle lane or mid lane), 2(2 players fill the bottom lane). This formation has a fairly good balance, so it is very suitable for the formation of a team. This time I will not discuss the formation, but will discuss the 1-1-3 formation. Here Ti2ps.com has summarized explanation about the 1-1-3 formation. What are those? Just watch it to the end.
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1. Definition Formation 1-1-3
Unlike the 2-1-2 formation that is usually used by a team. The 1-1-3 formation has meaning 1 (1 player fills Lord lane), 1 (1 player fills the middle lane or mid lane), 3 (3 players fill the Turtle lane). This formation is usually used in epic tiers and above. This formation is specifically for destroying the opponent’s turrent first. So this formation can only be used at the beginning of the match until one of the lanes has lost the turrent first. This formation is also quite influential on the course of the match going forward. Moreover, this formation is superior to the 2-1-2 formation. For this reason, it is recommended to use a 1-1-3 formation.
2. About 3 (3 players fill Turtle lane)
For those who don’t know about turtle lane, you can see the picture above. Look at the yellow circle. A yellow circle indicates that a Turtle will appear in the area. So the Lane that will be the Turtle spawn place is called Turtle lane. And 3 players must fill the lane. The task of the 3 players who fill the Turtle lane is to push the turrent, kill the Turtle, and help the mid lane. If you have succeeded in destroying the opponent’s turrent, two players must help the team in the mid lane or Lord lane and one player maintains the turrent in the Turtle lane. Usually the suitable hero role to fill the formation is tank-fighter-mage/support.
3. About 1 (1 player fills the middle lane or mid lane)
This formation is usually filled by a marksman-type hero. The players who fill this formation have a big responsibility. Because it has many tasks among others. The tasks are push turrent, jungle, kill Turtle, assist the top lane and bottom lane bottom lane. So, to fill the mid lane, you must be a pro player, considering the tasks that are burdened by him are quite a lot. Not to mention the mid lane is the most dangerous lane. This is because the middle lane is the middle lane between the bottom and the top. So this path will usually be a suitable place for war.
4. About 1 (1 player fills the Lord lane)
Previously I have discussed the explanation of Turtle lane. The difference is, if the Turtle will spawn in the lane, then that path is the Turtle lane. So Lord lane is on the opposite side of Turtle lane. Players who will fill Lord lane must go solo. So it will be quite difficult if the opponent in the Lord is more than one player. Therefore only a few heroes are able to do a solo lane in Lord lane. Usually the hero is an assassin type hero. The task of the player who fills the Lord lane is to push turrent, jungle, and help the mid lane. Quite a bit compared to players who fill the mid lane. But actually the players who fill the Lord lane are quite difficult for the task. Because the player who fills the Lord lane must be an expert so that the turrent he guards is not easily broken into.
So from a brief explanation of the 1-1-3 formation. This formation is arguably quite difficult than the 2-1-2 formation. So you don’t have to force yourself to do this formation. The most important thing is teamwork and destroying the turrent. Keep visiting Ti2ps.com to get information about tips and tricks from android games. Thank you and thank you for visiting.