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Today I will give you information about Magic Chess in Mobile Legends. This time I will give Combo Tips that are suitable for Synergy Wrestler in Magic Chess Mobile Legends.
Synergy Wrestler is a synergy consisting of heroes who have high damage and cause a stun effect. To activate this Synergy Wrestler, you must have 6 synergy Wrestler heroes installed in the magic chess game. Here we need to need a different team hero type synergy Wrestler to activate this effect. If there are 3 Synergy Wrestler heroes, has a 20% chance to stun the enemy for 2 seconds and deal an additional 400 damage using basic attacks. If there are 6 Synergy Wrestler heroes, has a 30% chance to stun the enemy for 2 seconds and deal 1000 additional damage using Basic Attack. Synergy Wrestler heroes include Khufra, Jawhead, Carmilla, Dyrroth, Gatotkaca and Guinevere.
This Synergy Wrestler is very good to use because it is easy to get and has additional Basic Attack Damage and causes a Stun effect so that the enemy can be quickly eliminated. In addition, the synergy Wrestler consists of several Wrestler heroes if they can activate the Synergy Wrestler, then all those in the match can inflict additional damage and cause a stun effect so that they can defeat the enemy quickly on the battlefield. By using this synergy Wrestler, apart from being able to deal high damage, you can also counter other synergy heroes such as the synergy assassin because this synergy Wrestler can attack the enemy with high and cause stun. So this synergy Wrestler is suitable to use because it has high damage and is easy to eliminate enemies quickly.
Also Read: Magic Chess’s Strongest Synergy After Update
After that we can combine this Synergy Wrestler with the synergy abyss, synergy weapon master and synergy blood demon. With this synergy blood demon, there is no need to collect maximum heroes because this synergy blood demon can add 1 synergy hero slot for a synergy capacity of 4 or 6 heroes. With the synergy blood demons, the synergy Wrestler becomes over power.
Pros of Synergy Wrestler
- Easy to get
- Has High Damage
- Has Stun Effect
- Become the best counter to synergy assassin and synergy fighter
Here I will give 1 good combo for the synergy Wrestler which is combined with the synergy abyss, synergy weapon master and synergy blood demon. Here’s a combo for the synergy Wrestler, check this out.
- Synergy Wrestler: Gatotkaca, Jawhead, Dyrroth
- Synergy Abyss: Argus, Thamuz, Balmond
- Synergy Weapon Master: Freya
- Synergy Blood Demon: Cecilion, Carmilla
See Also: Synergy OP Magic Chess
Tips to Get This Synergy Quickly
- Collect the synergy Wrestler heroes that you get first to quickly activate the synergy 6 Wrestler.
- Set the formation between heroes remotely because it avoids synergy crowd control
- Take advantage in the Round against attacks from jungle monsters in the selection phase to take synergy wrestlers, magical or physical items, hero upgrades or commander capacity upgrades.
- Use a level 3 Ragnar commander so that the little commander’s HP can be recovered and it’s not easy to lose first in the match.
Ok, come here first, guys! Next, I will give you more info about mobile legend heroes. If there are suggestions for what hero guides you want to discuss, you can contact me via the contact form below, I’ll review the Hero Guides later, ok!
Hope it is useful.