As we can see on the iFixit website , Apple has added even more problems to the already difficult task of repairing an iPhone , and that is, although in the vast majority of terminals in the world we can simply change one part for another without major problem, on an iPhone things change.
The screens, batteries, cameras and even the Face ID system have been serialized with the terminal for a long time, but in the iPhone 13 , if we change the screen, Face ID is completely disabled due to a BGA chip that is soldered on the cable flexible screen.
Any technician who has had to work with flex cables, or, on the other hand, has had to perform BGA microsoldering , can quickly understand why this is a disaster, since thousands of repair services will have to invest thousands of euros in equipment to repair these terminals, as well as micro-welding training for their technicians.
Undoubtedly, at a time when the right to repair is becoming increasingly important , as well as the laws that are made in this regard, Apple has launched a product that makes it very clear, precisely, why the right to repair is important for everyone, both technicians and end consumers.