Your photo quality is not sharp? But want to avoid using the Sharpen option in Photoshop so as not to lose important details? We have the solution. With just a few simple tricks but with great effects, your photos can get more satisfying results.
Step 1
Once you've opened the photo in Photoshop, go to Layer > Duplicate Layer to duplicate the layer .
Step 2
After that, go to Filter > Other > High Pass and then the High Pass window will open.
Step 3
Through this High Pass window , adjust the radius in the range of 1 to 4 until the rough hues start to appear. When done, click OK .
Step 4
Next, right-click the layer you've already High Passed on , and choose Blending Options , then Overlay . After that, all you have to do is click OK and the photo editing is complete.
read also: 3 Ways to Improve Photo Quality Quickly