PDF stands for Portable Document Format. This format is commonly used to view documents in electronic format.
The PDF format allows you to view any document regardless of software, hardware or operating system.
You can save a Word document as PDF simply by following the guide mentioned below.
This option can be useful when you need to open any document on multiple devices. PDF files can contain text, multimedia elements, web links and are easy to access and share.
See how to save New PDF or convert a Word document to PDF Files.
Step 1: Login to the device and open the Word document.
Step 2: Then go to 'file option'.
Step 3: Now, tap on 'save as' from the options in the drop down list.
Step 4: Choose your where you want to save your document pdf file, like OneDrive.
Step 5: While tapping on the 'save as' type box, choose PDF (* .pdf) from all other options.
Step 6: Now, select 'save'.
(Source: Microsoft support)