ISWhatsApp Mods by
A material designed mod, that provides TONs of features including customization, themes, changing styles, app lock, conversation locks, PRIVACY mods, Anti-Ban, and many more!
☆ ISWhatsApp V7.40 ☆
AddedOption to Send Broadcast Message to Groups Like GBWhatsApp
AddedOption to Separate Chats / Groups conversations into two screens
AddedOption to see messages sent to each person
AddedOption to see messages was revoked like GB
AddedOption to show a green icon when the person is connected to WhatsApp like Facebook
AddedAdded a lock icon to know this conversation locked with a password
AddedFab in chat screen (Bom Message/Heart Message/Like Message)
AddedOption to Show admin caption for group chatting
AddedOption to add a photo to the writing condition like Instagram
AddedOption to set and search for a specific word if you have a hidden important conversation
AddedOtion to delete WhatsApp waste
AddedOption to Change Revoked Icon Message in Bubble Chat
AddedOption to Change ISWA Settings Style to 3 Different Style
AddedOption to change the style of Profile and change the Text color, background and icons
AddedOption to change the style of attachments and change the Text color, background and icons
AddedOption to select who can see your status
Downloads :
We are recommended to use Stock WhatsApp
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WhatsApp v7.40
ISWhatsApp v7.40
ISWhatsApp2 v7.40
This is an independent and unofficial APP.
For Personal Use Only. Use at your own risk.😶