Http injector Mobile proxy server with the ability to modify requests and access websites blocked by a firewall, have Unlimited Internet and etc.
Before we start, let's understand the meaning
Http injector main screen
Payload - Payload of HTTP header data that will be injected
Remote proxy - Remote HTTP proxy (for example: Squid proxy / APN proxy)
Debug mode Show your data that you sent / received in the application log (disconnect during normal use)
Battery saver Disable Wakelock that prevents your CPU from sleeping
Google DNS Use Google DNS to ignore blocked websites and prevent your ISP from knowing which websites you are visiting.
Start SSH Start the SSH connection when starting the injection.
SSH configuration
Connection mode - There are two modes, iptables (root), which will require root and only encapsulate traffic on ports 80 and 443.
The VPN service mode is for Android 4.0 or higher and will encapsulate all traffic on your server. (Please use root mode if you are having problems with VPN service mode)
SSH - Secure Shell is an encrypted network protocol for securely starting text-based shell sessions on remote machines.
SSH Host - IP / SSH host name
SSH port - The port on your SSH server will normally be port 22 (usually the public squid / http proxy will block port 22)
Username - SSH username
Password - SSH password
Data compression - Compress data package using zlib.
Upstream Proxy - Currently, the Injector is using port 8989 (fixed), it is necessary to activate and configure for SSH to connect to the local HTTP Injector proxy server.
Using the model below, the application will automatically replace the relevant data after the injection. You do not need to replace the word inside the bracket unless you know what you are doing.
supported model : [host] [port] [host_port] [protocol] [netData] [cr] [lf] [crlf] [lfcr]
Suppose is your SSH server IP and 22 is your SSH port
[host] Destination host
[port] 22 Destination port
[host_port] Destination host and port, separated by a colon
[protocol] HTTP \ 1.0 or HTTP \ 1.1 Version of the HTTP protocol
[netData] CONNECT [host_port] [protocol] Short form for three keywords
[cr] \ r Carriage return, U + 000D
[lf] \ n Line supply, U + 000A
[crlf] \ r \ n
[lfcr] \ n \ r
[crlf] \ r \ n
Injection method
Warning: In this example, we are using the “CONNECT” and “HEAD” and request method as the host you want to spoof, you may need to use GET / POST / DELETE / CONNECT / HEAD…
Verify that the control The HTTP remote proxy allows the request method, otherwise you will receive error 403.
Tips: Use “Payload Generator” in the HTTP Injector application instead of typing manually. Usually, we only need to use the “CONNECT” request method
Payload Method
Normal CONNECT [host_port] [protocol] [crlf] Host: [crlf] [crlf]
Front Inject GET HTTP / 1.1 [crlf] Host: [crlf] [crlf] CONNECT [host_port] [protocol] [crlf] [crlf]
Back Inject CONNECT [host_port] HTTP / 1.1 [crlf] [crlf] GET [protocol] [crlf] Host: [crlf] [crlf]
Front Query CONNECT @ [host_port] [crlf] GET [protocol] [crlf] Host: [crlf] [crlf]
Back Query CONNECT [host_port] @ [crlf] GET [protocol] [crlf] Host: [crlf] [crlf]
Troubleshoot problems
Error code 302 - If you are getting a 302 HTTP header code, it means that your ISP is redirecting your request to the captive portal page. Typically, the ISP has blacklisted its remote proxy or HTTP payload
400 Error code - Indicates that your payload is invalid and cannot be understood by remote proxy
Connection timeout - network connection may be slow or remote proxy may be slow