Termux application is an application for Android, the application provides you with a terminal platform based on Linux in your smartphone, the use of the application does not need root and works directly, you can through any of Termux in the phone to perform any of the usual operations that you perform in Linux, for example, the installation of software By ordering apt-get, or installing applications and programs through GitHub by performing a git clone command, in addition to installing other Linux tools for mobile, the application allows you to install a set of packages that provide you with the use of many Linux software on your phone. Android, and you can update these packages or software using Termux, it is characterized by rigidity, strength and a popular interface for all Linux system enthusiasts, and, unlike other similar applications (such as Connectbot), the use of Termux is resourceful and can be used for many purposes to manage your phone. Installed through it or you will deal with it often does not include a graphic interface, and you will deal with most of them with the Linux command line.
Why use Termux?
Packages is a set of small programs that do a specific job. The hack lab uses a system loaded with a group of Packges except that these packages are original or default in the system, in order to practice its work as a penetration lab, the latter needs to install other packages that do some work for it, Like Metasploit, which also provides him with a set of tools that he can use, or install specific packages to check sites, or check networks, as we indicated, this small software does not come with a graphic interface, and is not applications that can be installed from the Google App Store, so how can it be obtained on her ?
Here, Termux interferes, which provides us with the ability to install packages using the Linux environment and its terminal. Termux saves all the packages inside it (you can extract the names of all packages by executing the pkg list-all command) and you can start from the commands to run those packages and execute their commands As needed.
How to start using the Termux app?
It is not difficult at all, even if you do not have any experience in dealing with Linux, you can still benefit from the application, go to the Google App Store for Android applications, and search for Termux in the search box, the first application you download will appear, or you can go directly to the link Next to download the Termux application, after you download and install it on your smartphone, you click on it, the application will show you a black screen which is a command line (above), you can now start installing the packages you want and start using Termux including Required by your need to apply.
Some distinct packages that you can install and use:
You can choose between several pre-existing packages that you can install on your phone through Termux. Let's start or show you some of these packages that may be useful sometimes, and at other times fun:
The Matrix Effect Pack: Who among us hates Matrix or The Matrixx, we all want to get some special effects on our phone right? This entertaining package can provide you with this command, run the Termux application and write the following command: pkg install cmatrix and then to run this effect you write the cmatrix line and then press Enter and you will find that your phone has become falling matrices, you can cancel it by leaving the application, just A simple and entertaining package, nothing less.
Update the application and packages: It may happen that you do not have the application running, or that some packages are not used to running after they were running well beforehand, in this case you have to update the application and packages as well, to achieve this we are implementing the apt-get update command, which is the same available Also in Linux, this command will check the packages and Termux application and update it if any update is available.
Figlet package: The Figlet package allows you to create structured writing for any phrase you add, for example on the side we structured the Aqua Web name, to do that we download the Figlet package via the pkg install figlet command, and then we use it via the figlet aqua web command, With the change of the phrase aqua web the phrase you want
Python package: Most hacking and package software uses Python and Ruby greatly, so you may want to install both packages so that you can implement codes using both languages. To do that, we implement the pkg install python command. This option will allow us to install the package manager for python as well and It is the pip, then we will be able to search for software created with Python and use it by executing the pip install command in the Termux.
Ruby package: Like the Python, we execute the pkg install ruby command, which in turn will provide us with a package manager for Ruby, which is Gem, then you can run Ruby-based software or packages of them using Termux.
What do you think of installing Metasploit in your phone? : Yes, you can do this via the Termuxx as well, first install the curl package via the pkg install curl command, then we get the Metasploit from its link via the curl by executing the curl -LO command https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Hax4us /Metasploit_termux/master/metasploit.sh, wait a little (or a lot) until it is installed, then we give the port to run the metasploit via chmod command 777 metasploit.sh, and then we run the WhatsApp via the /metasploit.sh command.
What do you think of the Termux tool? Is it strong? Do not forget to suggest us to explain the next tool in the comments, and we will write a comprehensive article about it, as is the case with this application.