Today I will explain to you a method to create your Proxy Mobile or Home Network Definition.If you use a WiFi network your connection will be residential.If you use mobile data, your connection will be mobile
The method is the same for both options, the only thing that will always change is your IP.
To change the IP of a mobile connection, simply enable airplane mode, wait 1 minute and disable. Always make sure your public IP address has changed.
In the case of home IP, it is usually just to turn off and on your internet modem (fiber / ads / etc).
This may vary according to the rules of your provider (company that provides internet to you)
Requirements to create your Proxy
To start building your proxy network, you need the following items:
1 Android Smartphone or computer with NOX Emulator
App Proxy Server
Home connection (WiFi) or Mobile LTE 3G / 4G LTE
It is important that the chosen network has dynamic IP and port release by the Router.
Usually Mobile LTE connections already have all ports released.
How to create your Proxy
The method is the same for creating your proxy on an Android device or using the NOX emulator on Windows.
In the NOX emulator, it is possible to use mobile internet via a 3G / 4G USB modem.
Step #1
1 – Connect your Smartphone or Computer (with Nox) to internet (Wifi or Mobile)
2 – Install the ProxyServer.apk application (link below)
If you are using Android Smartphone, you do not need to do step 2.
Step # 2 –
NOX Bridge Mode
NOX Bridge Mode
If you are using the NOX emulator, you must leave the network configuration in bridge mode.
Click the gear icon, then on the System Settings screen click Properties.
Select the Enable network bridge mode option. The system will ask you to install a driver and restart Nox.
Step # 3 -
Configuring Proxy Server
Configuring Proxy Server
On the main application screen:
Click Add and select Proxy Server
in server name put anything, it’s just an id of each proxy created
Run on port is the port your proxy will work on.
Then you can create different ports for the same IP address.
click on Rules and then on Add In the Host field you will add your public IP address instead of example
you can view your public IP on various sites like
You can also view your public IP on the app’s home screen by clicking on the INFO icon. A screen will appear showing your Public IP
in Forward to host set the address and in Forward to port set to 1080.
Now just go by clicking the back button and clicking Yes to save.
Remember that the chosen port needs to be released on your router and internet provider for home connections.
In mobile LTE connections there is usually no port restriction, so you can use whatever you want.
Now just click on your created proxy and select Start / Stop to enable or disable your proxy.
Ready! You created your proxy.
the format will be http://YOURIP:PORT (ex:
remembering that the IP address must be public, displayed on or
You can test how your proxy works at:
Using the DDNS Service
To make your job easier, you can use a DNS address instead of an IP address. Thus, every time the IP is changed, you will not need to stop and edit your created proxy (host in step # 3).
You can use the Dynamic DNS Update app directly on Android using the NO-IP service.
Many home connection routers also offer the option of DDNS in their own configuration. Just create an account on the NO-IP website, create your domain and you’re done! every time your public IP is changed, it will be automatically updated to a single DNS address.
Example instead of:
it could be:
Important Information for Instagram Automation . Even though they are the best proxy options at the moment, never use fast automation speeds. This can burn your IP quickly.
i had a tutorial directed towards using your Home IP as proxy but on normal browsers. The website that I would like to use my home IP as a proxy for would not work with Nox. Therefore, is there a easy similar way to turn my Home IP into a proxy for use on browsers
i had a tutorial directed towards using your Home IP as proxy but on normal browsers. The website that I would like to use my home IP as a proxy for would not work with Nox. Therefore, is there a easy similar way to turn my Home IP into a proxy for use on browsers