VPS Ubuntu 18.04 Create Your Own SSR Server
I want you to met alibaba cloud service.
I've been trying to use my gcash virtual card and inaccept the free trial for one month. You only need to have 1 $ equivalent to your account for verifying. After verifying he will return the amount so he is really free.
Step 1
Create an account with alibaba cloud.
Enter a valid email and number and verify.
Add payment method like i said gcash amex is accepted as long as it is empty for verifying.
Step 2
If there is no flaw in the first step. A button will say "Free Trial". Just click.
If you are interested in their website and choices of the type of elastic computing you can download for free.
You choose the highest which is 2 core 4 gb ram.
When you click, click the Try now button.
After you hit the try now either eerror the website or throw it at the console. When the error is click on the console icon at the top.
* compare to other vps we know he is low to look at but his transfer speed is 30mbps.
Next we are in the bloody part.
Step 3
Here the console for my example singapore will throw you my chosen country.
After you get here click on instances.
After you enter the instances. Toggle the box then reset password. (this is to reset the root password)
Just follow the password reset instructions and then move on to the next step.
Click link of your instance then within non click connect to access the interface.
After you connect your list to the notepad the ecs password then proceed.
type "root" then enter
The password is that we previously reset the password you know. then enter
after accessing the scripts.
Update existing packages:
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
Install on your server the prerequisite packages for ShadowsocksR:
sudo apt install wget zip unzip python-m2crypto libsodium23
We are going to install ShadowsocksR into our / usr / local directory, so change into that directory:
cd / usr / local
Get the source either from Github:
sudo wget https://github.com/shadowsocksrr/shadowsocksr/archive/manyuser.zip
Check the integrity of the downloaded zip file with the sha256sum command:
sha256sum manyuser.zip
The SHA256 checksum should match the value stated at the beginning of this post.
Unzip the download:
sudo unzip manyuser.zip
Rename the extracted directory:
sudo mv shadowsocksr-manyuser shadowsocksr
Change into the extracted directory:
cd shadowsocksr
Create the initial ShadowsocksR configuration file:
sudo bash initcfg.sh
Edit the ShadowsocksR configuration file:
sudo vi user-config.json
This is my example for sun tu / .ctc. Press the i key on your computer keyboard to enter insert mode. then paste to. in alibaba there is no direct paste so you need to paste it in the enter copy commands button in VNC. (paste + ok)
"server": "",
"server_ipv6": "::",
"server_port": 443,
"local_address": "",
"local_port": 1080,
"password": "you know the password",
"method": "aes-256-cfb",
"protocol": "origin",
"protocol_param": "",
"obfs": "tls1.2_ticket_auth",
"obfs_param": "",
"speed_limit_per_con": 0,
"speed_limit_per_user": 0,
"additional_ports": {},
"additional_ports_only": false,
"timeout": 120,
"udp_timeout": 60,
"dns_ipv6": false,
"connect_verbose_info": 0,
"redirect": "*: 443 # 8080",
"fast_open": false
Press Esc on your computer keyboard to escape from insert mode. Type: wq and press Enter to write the file to disk and quit the editor.
Now for the finale, activate ssr services for your ubuntu with this scripts.
create the systemd service file for SSR:
sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/shadowsocksr.service
Press the i key to enter insert mode. Insert contents as follows:
Description = ShadowsocksR server
After = network.target
Wants = network.target
Type = forking
PIDFile = / var / run / shadowsocksr.pid
ExecStart = / usr / bin / python /usr/local/shadowsocksr/shadowsocks/server.py --pid-file /var/run/shadowsocksr.pid -c /usr/local/shadowsocksr/user-config.json -d start
ExecStop = / usr / bin / python /usr/local/shadowsocksr/shadowsocks/server.py --pid-file /var/run/shadowsocksr.pid -c /usr/local/shadowsocksr/user-config.json -d stop
ExecReload = / bin / kill -HUP $ MAINPID
KillMode = process
Restart = always
WantedBy = multi-user.target
Press Esc to get out of insert mode, then type: wq and press Enter to write the file out and quit the editor.
Make SSR start on reboot, and also start it now:
sudo systemctl enable shadowsocksr
sudo systemctl start shadowsocksr
Check that ShadowsocksR is active (running):
sudo systemctl status shadowsocksr
Then after checking that he's active. Follow these steps. You can see it in the interface we entered earlier.
Click security .
Click add rules.
Delete the default rule and create a new one with this same setup for outbound or inbound. (You can also open port 443 only if you like)
Then click save. Restart the ecs.
BTW ung ips ssr you are this.
manually setup in ssr. with port 443, password you saved for ssr. then aes-256-cfb, origin, tls1.2_ticket_auth, then for payload viber base.
It's a long tutorial but worth it if you want to do solo ssr. for your self.