According to a recent study, leaving your smartphone under charge overnight would damage the device's battery. Will it be true or is it just paranoia? Find out in the complete article.
The use of smartphones in recent years has become increasingly invasive and has become our trusted companion in our lives. It is indeed the perfect way to communicate, portable, small (or large depending on your preference); it also contains our banking identity, our personal data, work documents, private photos, video memories or work videos, social media and emails with which we manage the flow of news that arrives daily on our accounts.
Having the device always charged and ready to use has become a vital requirement, both to communicate with loved ones and relatives, and to be ready to work or to be connected on Social.
In this regard, the manufacturers of mobile devices have created ever more performing batteries, options for charging of all types: induction charging, warp charge, fast charging, wireless charging. There are so many different solutions among companies.
However, leaving the phone charged during the night is the common practice. Indeed, what better time to ensure that the device is fully loaded and ready for the following day? A very interesting debate has arisen on this question, which sees in the attitude in question, a problem for the wear of the product's battery.
Smartphone: but is it really risky to leave it charging overnight?
Let's start from the base: every smartphone has a battery that has a certain life cycle. Surely it is not infinite, and sooner or later it will start to lose strokes. On many phones (think iPhone) there is also a check in the Settings menu, which tells us the status of battery wear. During the lifetime of one of these magical device components, there can only be certain charging cycles. Surely they are not infinite.
On the other hand, smartphones, even those of the medium-low range, now have a chip that, when it recognizes the complete charge of the device, blocks its power supply so as not to overload the system. Thus the device does not overheat and the flow of current that arrives is limited, avoiding the problems related to the saturation of the battery over time.