DBZ Game Tenkaichi Tag Team Mod ISO V1
Dragon Ball Z Game Tenkaichi Tag Team Mod ISO V1 Download, This ISO contains New models of many characters. A models means the whole structure of the characters such as his skin, Texture, clothes and graphics. So keep to know all about this mod.
Game Features
- New Gogeta - the Model Of Gogeta in this iso is not as normal as others. Unlike other ISOs which contains the model of Hunter gogeta that looks always the same in every iso and also all attacks are also the same in every ISO. This iso has different model of Gogeta ( Dragon Ball Super ) That contains new Aura and new style attacks also new type of graphics are added in the texture and in the aura. Gogeta has Kamehameha ha as his ultimate attacks but in a little different way. The way he performs the attack looks hilarious.
- New Broly - just like Gogeta Broly also has a new model in which he has new Aura and textures. However the attacks of the broly are not changed but as Gogeta and Broly both are connected so it's important to give him a special look that suits with Gogeta.
How To Download ISO And Install Menu
Guys this is the easy instructions to install the iso successfully on your android device. Please read it carefully and apply.
- First of all download PSP emulator from Playstore.
- Then Download ISO file and Menu file. ( Link is given below )
- Then Install PSP emulator and select ISO file in PSP emulator.
- After open ISO in PSP Click back button of mobile.
- Then go to Game setting / Tool / Developers tools and check ✓ on Save new texture and Uncheck Replace Texture.
- Then play game just for a minute to create a file named texture.
- Then exit and go to File Manager / PSP / Texture.
- If the file format of menu is RAR and ZIP so you need to extract it.
- After extract copy Menu folder [ ULUS10537 ] and Paste in PSP / Texture Folder.
- Then open PSP emulator and long press on the iso. Then go to Game setting and select language America Latina. If it's not already set.
- Then play game and now you can see Menu is set.