An unknown millionaire will make a real Battle Royal battle on one of the islands will be like the battle of the Royal Furnit games taken from the Battle of Royal film and will include 100 real people competing with each other and the winner will win £ 100,000 for about $ 150,000
Will be held for 12 hours a day. Over six weeks, the participant will receive about $ 2,000 a day. The end-of-competition participant can earn more than $ 80,000, leaving the participants alone on the island with food, equipment and tools in random places.
Airsoft weapons are used "non-lethal but harmful", and competitors will wear sensitive shields, giving a signal if the contestant was shot to be pulled out of the competition directly, information about the contest was leaked from one of the important sites contacted by the millionaire for the purpose of buying the island and did not disclose His name
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