Image slider can be used to display multiple photos without spending a lot of space on the shipping page, because photos will be played like videos, making it more interesting and economical on a blog post or website.
This slider image can be used to display or display photos of products such as online stores, sales letters, mini sites and the like.
You must ensure that you have saved the JS amp-carousel code as shown below in the code </ head>.
Please copy the following html code, and paste it in the HTML section of the Post (if you want to put it in a post)
Examples like below [ Link ]
Thus Examples of Slider Articles in AMP Blog Posts are Examples of Sliders in Bog Posts, hopefully it can be useful for all of you. OK, this is the HTML AMP Tutorial.
This slider image can be used to display or display photos of products such as online stores, sales letters, mini sites and the like.
Related article:
Here's how to make a slide image in a post:
Prepare the Image URL that you want to make as a slide, meaning that the image has been uploaded, or the image entered in the previous post. The number of images can be adjusted according to your needs.<script async='async' custom-element='amp-carousel' src=''/>
Please copy the following html code, and paste it in the HTML section of the Post (if you want to put it in a post)
<amp-carousel height = "300" layout = "responsif" type = "slide" width = "400"> <amp-img height = "300" layout = "responsif" src = " https: //1.bp. "width =" 400 "> </ amp-img" TMPG img = " / -_ dI49vtrr8c / XMZ1BvdYiqI / AAAAAAAACKM / _TW-Wxt1Z7Ue-LzZvyEHXT3BFJc4lE-DwCLcBGAs / S640 / anim2gab "<p> </ p>" img height = "300" layout = "keresponsifan" src = " https: //1.bp . / -N_IpBEG8aNc / XMZ1BfG6LrI / AAAAAAAAACKACK / Qz2XWH75_9YfxNwWm_kFaYdplXJ-Nug8gCLcBGAs / s640 / anime3.webp "width =" 400 "> </ amp- >
Examples like below [ Link ]
Thus Examples of Slider Articles in AMP Blog Posts are Examples of Sliders in Bog Posts, hopefully it can be useful for all of you. OK, this is the HTML AMP Tutorial.